Tuesday, January 19, 2010


For quiet a while now this Barbie toilet is the only toilet Madden showed any interest in at all. Unfortunately it's much too small for his tail end. Our other kids have been 3 1/2 years old when they've finally potty trained so I was never concerned, just a bit tired of changing his bottom.But have no fear, this past week we crossed the last finish line in the Thompson Diaper Derby! So until Matt and I suffer from incontinence and take to adult diapers hopefully this household is done.
Each of the kids have been given an incentive/prize for their trek to diaper freedom. This is what Madden chose. It's being very well loved and smothered in attention. To steal the words from ol' Woody himself, "You are a COOL toy!"


Doodlecraft said...

Congratulations on being diaper free!!!!! Yay! Thankfully you will have a while before the adult diaper days! You are so funny!!!!

Ruth Done said...

Can I say I love your new background! We have such good taste. What an awesome accomplishment!

Dan & Staci said...

Man and I can only think at this moment that this part of my life is just beginning. I will be asking for all the tips I can get on potty training. I am scared for those days!

Congrats! That is awesome!

The Rockin Robertsons said...

YES!!! What a great feeling. Good job Madden. I am so jealous! P.S. I love the barbie toilet. That's great!