Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pinewood Derby

This summer I was in kind of a slump trying to get use to Matt's new work schedule. In my state of slumpiness I neglected to keep up on the blog. Since this blog is essentially our family scrapbook I need to include a few things we did over the summer. So here we go.
On August 29th Mason had his first pinewood derby. Thanks to Grandpa Elggren for cutting out his initial design and to Matt for helping put on the wheels. Everything else Mason did himself. He wanted to do a "Super Mario Bros" car and I think he nailed it.
That's his car on the left. They had to add some weight to it before the race by taping some of Matt's keys to the rear. It worked well and his car competed with the best of them.
Though he wasn't the overall winner his car did GREAT! He won "Most Original" for his awesome and creative design. We were all really proud of him. Way to go Mase!

1 comment:

Ruth Done said...

I love that picture of Matt and Mason. Really cute. Honestly, I kind of dread scouts, hopefully it's not as bad as it seems. And in my case I better get over my fear.