Sunday, April 19, 2009

After It's Dark Time?

Mia has this phrase she uses several times a day. "After it's dark time, what are we going to do?"

Interpretation: What are we doing on tomorrow? No matter how many times we correct her ("Mia, the right way to say that is, what are we doing tomorrow?") she still says it this way.

So today Matt and I were in our room and Mia came upstairs. "Mom, after a lot of dark times, what day is it?"

Matt (who I thought was asleep) and I both started laughing. First of all, how many "dark times" are we talking about here? The possibilities of the correct answer are ENDLESS! I started to answer by saying "Tomorrow is Monday." That was evidently incorrect. After a lot of laughter from us and some frustation on her end, turns out the answer she was looking for was Christmas Eve........duh! I guess she's technically correct. "After a lot of dark times" it will be Christmas Eve.


Ruth Done said...

Of course, Christmas Eve.... DUH!!! LOL About the journal thing... I was just on the aquapoppy blog and they are coming up with a way that you can print and order your blog in book form. I am soooo excited. I will keep you informed.

Matt and Kirsten said...

Love the Journal idea, frankly if you think it is boring, don't read. Anyway It is dark time and I must remain awake to watch after a couple of babies. After dark time I will be going to sleep. Love ya Mia.