Sunday, April 19, 2009

For Me (oh, and you too if you'd like)

I use to be an avid journal keeper. Really I did. I have several journals chronicling from my early childhood years through elementary school, Jr High (ick), through High School and beyond.
You get the point.
My earliest one has more pictures I drew then actual words but some of them are really funny. I will always be grateful to my Mom for taking the time to get me to do these entries. Looking back through the journals from Jr High and High school is fun but can also be painful. It's difficult to look back and see how immature I was. Most of the entries involve one boy or another. Funny but not a lot of substance. There are some (more then I care to admit) that contain things I probably wouldn't want my family, especially my children, to read about me. I have SERIOUSLY considered burning these or perhaps burying them in an undisclosed location. The verdict's still out.
Why am I rambling about this? Well that's why I started this blog. Since getting married and having kids I don't take the time to journal. At all. I've never enjoyed scrapbooking although I really wish I did. So I have all these memories and all these pictures that are piling up in my house and in my head. I thought this would be a good way to write it down and add pictures. It's quick, it's easy and it's giving me a chance to get some memories out of my head and into form.
I've been reading a few other blogs lately and realized that I have a lot of memories and events that I want to add to this blog so I have them down somewhere. So I guess this is a word of warning. This blog is for my memories and it may be boring to the rest of you (I hope not) but it's my way of preserving them. Consider yourselves warned! Hope you enjoy:)

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