Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Go Mia!!

This past Fall, Mia took 1st place in her grade for reflections. She was so excited about the trophy. It doesn't hurt that it's purple and sparkly. The theme was "Together We Can" and she drew a great picture of the earth with kids sitting all around it. In January we got to go to a special awards night for all the kids that went on to district. Mia was super excited but got really nervous when they called her name.
We are so proud of her and how well she did. She loves to participate in everything she can at school and winning an award for something was even better!
Way to go Mia! We are SO proud of you!!!!!!

1 comment:

Dan & Staci said...

That is so awesome. I love her outfit she looks so cute. Way to go Mia, so cool!