Wednesday, July 21, 2010

No More Hearts

The last day of school I decorated the kids bedroom doors with signs telling them how proud we were of them finishing up this past school year. I also plastered several hearts cut from construction paper all over the doors to go with the sign. They've both left them on their doors since that day.
We had a new visitor over on Sunday. Matt's brother Justin has a son Matthew who is just a few months older then Mason. We've seen him on a few occasions but this was the first time he's been to our home. Matthew and Mason got along well as Matthew directed the conversation to include how many girl friends each had had and what video games they liked the best.
After everyone had left for the evening I went in Mason's room and found him standing in there and the sign and hearts sitting on top of his dresser in a pile.
"You took your stuff off your door, huh?"
"Yeah. I just kind of felt embarrassed when Matthew was here."
"That's OK. I don't want you to feel embarrassed."
"Yeah. Hey Mom? Maybe next time don't put hearts on my door. They're kind of not cool."
"Oh, sorry Mase. I didn't even think that maybe hearts weren't cool. I'll leave them off next time."
"Well don't leave them off.......maybe just next time.....put stars up instead."

Point made. I'm holding on to the idea that maybe he's too old for hearts but somewhere in his handsome head, he still wants me to decorate his door. In the back of my mind I've always hoped I'd be the Mom that would stay cool and my kids wouldn't get embarrassed by me or what I do. I was wrong. I guess I didn't expect the tiny sting when he outgrew my heart(s).


Doodlecraft said...

Oh so sweet! Ahh, it's hard to see little boys turn into men. But ya, they still need all that momma attention, just in a manlier way!

Troy, Brandy, and Boys said...

You are so creative, sweet, and fun April! It is hard watching them get older. I think it's adorable that he still wants you to do stars though. :) What a cutie!

Ruth Done said...

You are such a good mom. I love that Mason!