Tuesday, June 30, 2009

But Who's Counting

A couple of weeks ago I had the chance to get away and go to girls camp. Matt was great and took the whole week off so we wouldn't have to juggle the kids around. I left early Monday morning and got back Friday afternoon, so like I said it was the whole week. Up at camp there was no cell phone service so we really were disconnected from our families. I have to admit this was hard for me and I got homesick very quickly. I wanted to call and see how Matt was doing, see how the kids were holding up, find out how Mia's eye doctors appt had gone, etc. It's hard to be completely removed, I missed my little posse.
When we came home Friday as we came down the mountain I had my phone in my hand anxiously waiting for it to stop "searching for service". When I finally had service I called home as quickly as I could. I was so anxious to hear any of their sweet voices. Mason answered the phone:
Mason: Hello
Me: HEYYYYY BUDDY!!! It's me! How are you? I miss you! (at this point I actually tear up. Man, I missed him)
Mason: MOM! I'm good. I miss you too. When are you coming home?
Me: We're on our way right now. I'll be home in about an hour and a half. Are you ready for me to come home?
Mason: Yeah. Dad's ready for you to come home too.
Me: He is?
Mason: Yeah, he's been swearing..A LOT!" (I think he'd been anxiously waiting to rat his Dad out)

After I hung up with him I told my friends who were sitting by me. One of them told me to tell Mason that most of the Dad's are swearing a lot by this point. We got a good laugh out of it.
I love the fact that Matt would take on being a single parent for a week. I know how hard it can be and I figure if a four letter word or two (or three, but who's counting? Oh yeah, Mason is.) is the worst that comes of it, so be it!
Thanks Mattie!


Ruth Done said...

I love this story! I have shared it with a lot of people. Thanks!

Matt and Kirsten said...

Love it!!! seriously that kid is SO funny!