Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It's Great To Be 8!

Today you're 8 and I'm reminded again how fast time goes by. I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. We were so excited to have a little girl join the ranks. You had a perfect round face & a perfect round head (compliments of a c-section) and the most beautiful pair of lips I've ever seen.
You were the smallest of our babies but quickly grew beyond that. You were a very happy baby as long as we kept you fed, changed and generally gave you everything you wanted.
Now you're becoming such a beautiful girl. You're eager to please your teachers. You love babies. You always describe a past event by explaining exactly what you or others were wearing or how your hair was done. You really pay attention to those details. You're excited to be 8 and happy to be in 2nd grade. We love you Mia Anne! Happy Birthday!

*Photo's compliments of Ruth Done Photography :)

1 comment:

Ruth Done said...

Hahahahaha! I go by RDP! Beautiful post (it may have made me cry:)) Love you Mia. congratulations!