Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Never Assume......

As I went through Mia's bag after school today, this is what I came upon: Apparently they practiced writing and spelling short words like "Dan" & van. When I saw the comment her teacher wrote I had to ask the same thing. "Hey Mia, what's happening here with Dan?"
She answered proudly, "He's fixing a van."



Ruth Done said...

Oh my gosh!! That just made my day!

The Rockin Robertsons said...

Love IT! Kids are so funny and creative, right?

Doodlecraft said...

Too Cute! That is like Hailee's morbid pictures I find laying around...but hers are really intended to be so! (what have I done?)

Matt and Kirsten said...

I FiNALLY got to see this piece of work that everyone is talking about. WHAT AN ARTIST!

Troy, Brandy, and Boys said...

Ha ha!! I LOVE that!! Kids are the best! And you always word the posts perfectly! :)